Performance of CUDA-based Substitute BLAS
It is attractive to be able to improve the performance of BLAS-intensive code
by substituting an alternative dynamically-linked BLAS library, as in a
previous item. If you have NVIDIA
GPUs, obviously you want to do that with a CUDA-based BLAS which uses host
memory (while sighing about proprietary software). As I’m working on a POWER9
system, with nodes similar to
Summit’s (but with four 32GB V100s per node, not six) the relevant BLAS
implementations are NVIDIA’s
descendent of what was once available to me on a ‘Blue box’
I couldn’t find data on how they performed relative to one another and with
varying parameters,Except for some
from OLCF on POWER8 systems, with the previous generation of the NVLINK
fabric, and possibly older libraries.
so I made measurements. Here are
some results.
Only DGEMM performance is considered.While NVBLAS appears to supply
the set of GEMM, SYMM, SYR2K, SYRK, TRMM, and TRSM operations, it isn’t
clear how they are all accelerated, and it would be worth measuring them all
and comparing with ESSL similarly to BLIS’
What’s of interest is performance scaling as a function of
matrix dimensions and number of GPUs, and any possible tuning. Only large
square matrices are considered; thin ones tend to need special treatment in
CPU implementations, but presumably they would need to be relatively extremely
thin, given enough elements to make the GPU offload worthwhile.
Results were obtained on a AC922 POWER9 node, with one to four GPUs used. The
DGEMM benchmark from OpenBLAS was used, with OPENBLAS_LOOPS=3
in the
environment, i.e three repetitions, to attempt to smooth the results. The
benchmark takes arguments to specify a range of dimensions of a square matrix
filled with random values, printing performance in MFLOPs, and time taken, for
the DGEMM calculation. (The generation of the random fills is slow.) In
initial measurements performance varied from run to run by up to about 10%
percent in some cases, possibly due to variation between nodes, so the final
results were all obtained in a single batch run on RHEL 7. NVBLAS was from
CUDA 10.2.89, and ESSL was version 6.2 (which required CUDA 10.1.243). The
OpenMP components could use the full 32 cores with no specified core binding.
ESSL has more GPU-accelerated BLAS operations than NVBLAS, and also
accelerates some of LAPACK. Of the multiple ESSL shared libraries,
provides the (hybrid) GPU support with 32-bit
The relevant tuning for ESSL is through the environment variables
, to specify hybrid CPU/GPU use or not, and
, to specify whether or not to pin memory. Results were
compared without pinning and with ESSL_CUDA_PIN=yes
to pin on entry to
DGEMM. The GPUs used by ESSL are determined by CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
The wild swings in performance are not reproducible from run to run in position and magnitude, but are generally present. They deserve investigation; it’s not obvious what might cause them.
NVBLAS (annoyingly) requires a configuration file at runtime to control its
behaviour, rather than environment variables.Except that it consults
for the file’s location and prints an annoying
message if that variable isn’t defined and it uses the default.
Apart from
logging, it determines the list of GPUs used, whether to pin memory, a tile
dimension, and a fallback CPU BLAS to use for small dimensions at which the
overhead of GPU use is too large. OpenMP-based OpenBLAS 0.3.10 was used for
the fallback; it might have been better to use CPU OpenMP-based
ESSL,ESSL provides ∼550 GFLOPs on 32 CPU cores, while OpenBLAS
gets ∼450 GFLOPS.
but the ‘small’ matrix performance isn’t of much
interest here. It seems generally advantageous to use memory pinning, and so
the measurements just vary the GPUs and tile size. Thus a configuration file
might look like
# with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set if necessary for openblas
NVBLAS_CPU_BLAS_LIB libopenblas.so.0
I couldn’t find the default tile size documented, but it is probably 1024, since the results are very similar when that is set explicitly.
Clearly performance doesn’t scale to all four GPUs with the 2048 tile size (and not perfectly to three). Increasing the tile size with four GPUs helps that case, but still only gives similar performance to three.
Pinning memory on entry to BLAS (and unpinning on exit) is generally advantageous. According to the ESSL documentation, better performance may be obtained by pinning the matrix data in the caller, but that isn’t relevant if we’re just interested in substituting CPU BLAS.
NVBLAS performance is somewhat better than ESSL generally, but setting the tile size is important.
It isn’t clear where the GPU/CPU cut-off is with either implementation. One could see at what dimension CPU DGEMM is called, or compare results with slow reference BLAS.
Using all the GPUs together effectively in one program requires two or four MPI ranks since performance doesn’t scale properly past two. That may be due to crossing the X-bus between sockets, rather than NVLINK. It should be checked whether binding a thread per GPU to each socket makes a difference, or whether the library adjusts that sort of thing.
The peak performance of a V100 quoted by NVIDIA is ‘up to 7.8 TFLOPs’ double precision. While the figures are variable, the maximum DGEMM performance observed for a single GPU with ESSL was 6.6 TF, and (more consistently) 6.9 with NVBLAS.
The matrix data are in host memory, which is ‘unified’ with GPU memory over the NVLINK, though the exact mechanism for that and performance relative to x86_64 systems is unclear and probably worth investigating. With the maximum matrix size used here, chosen for more reasonable measurement times, the data still fit in GPU memory (15GB total in 32GB). It might be worth investigating larger dimensions, exceeding GPU memory, in case there’s a need for such sizes.