# set terminal png size 600,400
# set output "essl-1-4-gpu.png"
set terminal svg size 1000,600 background "white"
set output "essl-1-4-gpu.svg"
set multiplot layout 1,2 title "ESSL DGEMM performance"
set xlabel "Dmension"
set ylabel "MFlops"
#set xtics rotate
set key left top
set title "ESSL\\_CUDA\\_PIN=no"
plot "-" with linespoints title "1 V100", "-" with linespoints title "2 V100s", "-" with linespoints title "3 v100s", "-" with linespoints title "4 V100s"
1000  243365.83
2000  398033.69
3000  447406.35
4000  657845.76
5000  808823.85
6000  980263.62
7000 1066747.88
8000 1247587.81
9000 1323068.51
10000 1444381.69
11000 1402548.39
12000 1389697.01
13000 1245087.44
14000 1239761.52
15000 1583682.11
16000 1843984.26
17000 1853889.87
18000 2113312.18
19000 1888355.11
20000 2039491.59
21000 1709815.07
22000 1822753.23
23000 1773047.47
24000 1898371.43
25000 2010789.38
1000   99251.76
2000  204128.69
3000  758307.74
4000  909886.63
5000 1129414.04
6000 1382734.10
7000 1577417.79
8000 1591458.73
9000 2121499.79
10000 1962431.97
11000 2112138.35
12000 2411180.61
13000 2643714.35
14000 2489597.40
15000 2681671.76
16000 2935769.45
17000 3072777.84
18000 3250628.06
19000 3272986.28
20000 3375982.42
21000 2494839.39
22000 2557983.36
23000 2744373.35
24000 2709023.40
25000 3036483.75
1000   97680.17
2000  185119.76
3000  521334.93
4000  887171.92
5000 1105546.44
6000 1596800.04
7000 1779408.65
8000 1751421.74
9000 1856390.40
10000 2161142.99
11000 2467775.05
12000 2596033.33
13000 3041878.33
14000 3416121.79
15000 3497972.30
16000 3381253.76
17000 3571390.04
18000 3739170.10
19000 3936903.53
20000 4040943.86
21000 3229058.26
22000 3374127.80
23000 3418444.13
24000 3599830.59
25000 3644001.34
1000  177774.07
2000  206563.37
3000  718460.15
4000 1113249.19
5000 1388763.55
6000 1536636.73
7000 1632054.96
8000 1785045.58
9000 1951817.21
10000 2747493.95
11000 3138676.11
12000 3080087.32
13000 3548100.41
14000 3758497.59
15000 4551876.16
16000 4909194.71
17000 4736527.35
18000 4912227.79
19000 4897931.96
20000 4853557.30
21000 3494876.58
22000 4140547.76
23000 4226352.36
24000 3378873.15
25000 3977600.24
set title "ESSL\\_CUDA\\_PIN=yes"
plot "-" with linespoints title "1 V100", "-" with linespoints title "2 V100s", "-" with linespoints title "3 v100s", "-" with linespoints title "4 V100s"
1000  205907.99
2000  362297.68
3000 1744863.98
4000 2914796.91
5000 3416733.08
6000 3508181.69
7000 2623914.25
8000 4806632.60
9000 5281328.19
10000 5517990.47
11000 5606165.15
12000 5834094.13
13000 5204413.68
14000 4958930.87
15000 5617491.05
16000 6610052.69
17000 5313210.20
18000 4906169.11
19000 5847030.60
20000 6053350.28
21000 4580555.03
22000 6079520.89
23000 5414195.43
24000 5607859.47
25000 6103812.02
1000  149693.92
2000  222940.42
3000  707575.26
4000 2596139.89
5000 4270451.25
6000 5777568.38
7000 3802109.48
8000 6595851.68
9000 8094023.43
10000 9037395.85
11000 9312373.33
12000 10423772.48
13000 9269449.00
14000 10226267.61
15000 10226258.26
16000 8337375.80
17000 8902170.82
18000 7286342.92
19000 9648435.26
20000 8941368.21
21000 8240280.74
22000 8887549.68
23000 8665274.84
24000 8924684.34
25000 9303316.23
1000  167479.48
2000  201001.31
3000  854846.46
4000 2908115.43
5000 4626747.51
6000 6357502.87
7000 7932935.07
8000 4611181.03
9000 4501892.23
10000 8547429.06
11000 9221792.08
12000 10511604.59
13000 11069450.23
14000 6727914.98
15000 8744024.66
16000 11757188.64
17000 9899863.00
18000 7602657.19
19000 11061673.95
20000 15684816.30
21000 13876393.68
22000 11939899.07
23000 11621486.15
24000 14740534.41
25000 15841454.76
1000  152558.14
2000  190583.32
3000  904815.26
4000 2817023.99
5000 3939030.70
6000 5252577.65
7000 6742024.13
8000 7644895.50
9000 9293213.11
10000 9739335.14
11000 6108203.02
12000 11165687.73
13000 12099635.85
14000 14085706.82
15000 14623412.43
16000 11144940.90
17000 15011372.12
18000 14248227.09
19000 11730960.22
20000 18789620.87
21000 17294759.65
22000 12097061.15
23000 17402143.95
24000 19222681.68
25000 17705067.69