2022-01-03 linear algebra, optimization, GCC, updated

High Performance GEMM in Plain C


Mention analytical derivation of block sizes.

With reference to a previous item, this might be GCC is Better than Supposed, Part 3, but I’m not sure that’s fair.

Some time ago I pushed for an efficient implementation of the BLIS ‘reference’ GEMM micro-kernel to replace a naïve triple loop, and that was implemented. With the new implementation at the time I reported about ⅔ the performance with GCC of the assembler-based Haswell micro-kernel on DGEMM. That didn’t seem too bad. However, revisiting it, we can do better,  > 80%.

The improvement is due to choosing block sizesThere’s now a change to make that easier. Note that block sizes can be derived analytically for a reasonable architecture model, providing at least a first attempt if using the C micro-kernel for a new architecture.

the same as those for the hand-optimized version, not the reference defaults, and turning on GCC unrolling (which should be done generally for the reference kernels, and currently isn’t). The crucial MR/NR loop nest gets fully unrolled and vectorized, as expected of a hand-optimized kernel.As far as I know, there’s no need for the omp simd pragmas that BLIS has, at least not with at all recent GCC.

Results for BLIS’ test/3 BLAS level 3 performance tests are shown below for an AVX2 target.Under a quiet 2.3GHz Intel i5-6200U desktop. The performance seems to be subject to perturbation even though it’s quiet, but the ratio of the plateaux seems reliable to 1%.

Considering the average of the five largest matrix sizes for DGEMM, where the performance plateau has been reached, the reference kernel achieves 88% of the performance of the optimized assembler version.

Given the compiler unrolling and vectorization, the performance gap is expected to be down to the prefetching done by the assembler micro-kernel (perhaps consistent with the closer performance at smaller dimensions). However, departing from plain C, and using GCC’s __builtin_prefetch to mirror the assembler kernel didn’t help.Also, turning off the GCC default -fprefetch-loop-arrays had no effect on the generated code, but it is only documented as relevant for ‘large arrays’.

The initial prefetch block had no significant effect, and adding the others in the main loop actually reduced performance. That obviously bears re-visiting; I’m not good with assembler, and haven’t tried to compare what GCC generates with the manual effort.

You’ll notice the complex operations perform very poorly; they aren’t vectorized. That’s because BLIS represents complex values as a struct — a classic vectorization blocker.Traditionally to be compared with Fortran’s typically-vectorizable COMPLEX.

The support for using C99 complex (guarded by BLIS_ENABLE_C99_COMPLEX) won’t build, and probably needs substantial changes. At least some form of assignment abstraction is needed to avoid creal and cimag in lvalue positions. Doing that work should allow vectorization of complex kernels. (I checked an example with the micro-kernel structure.)

The situation with Skylake-X (AVX512) is different, and needs more investigation. The best relative results I got are much worse than for AVX2.Using -mprefer-vector-width=512 for the kernels, not the default 256.

Complex prefetch is known to be important for the optimized micro-kernels, and the block sizes for the skx configuration seem to be inappropriate for the generic code.

I also looked at POWER9, since I’m working with that. The BLIS power9 configuration is broken, and so wasn’t comapred; it fails the self-tests and gives unrealistically high performance. However, the reference version achieved around 77% of the performance of OpenBLAS 0.3.15, but only 58% of IBM ESSL, with a 6 × 12 micro-kernel and other block sizes like the BLIS power9 configuration. Perhaps that can be improved but, as with Haswell, a prefetch block before the MR/NR loop nest made no difference.

BLIS level 3 BLAS performance on AVX2 for the reference micro-kernel compared with the ‘BLIS’ haswell configuration. Also as PDF.