2021-11-05 GCC, optimization, MPI, programming, Fortran, free software, updated

GCC Code Generation v. Manual Vectorization and Proprietary Compilers



On the comparison with proprietary compilers front, there are more recent results published by Polyhedron which make GCC look even worse than previously. On GNU/Linux Ifort 2019.5 and gfortran 7.4 were used, but GCC 9.1 was available when that ifort was released as far as I can tell, and gfortran -ffast-math wasn’t used (or -fuse-profile and -flto).

Many people underestimate GCC in comparison with proprietary compilers, and perhaps underestimate optimizing compilers in general.Remember the experience of even the first optimizing compiler.

I wrote up a couple of cases of some recent work with it.

Versus Manual Intrinsic Coding

The first [pdf] caseAuto-vectorized MPI Reduction Operations: or GCC is Better than Supposed, Part 1

generalizes and extends vectorization of reduction operations in OpenMPI which was found to be important and was previously done only for x86_64But I’m working on a POWER9 system.

manually with compiler intrinsics. In contrast to the position of the paper about that, it turns out to be easy to get most of the relevant operations auto-vectorized (with GCC or other compilers) — more than were done manually — and independently of the target architecture.The easy way doubtless wouldn’t make a conference paper…

Versus Proprietary Compilers

The second [pdf] caseProprietary and Free Fortran Compiler Optimizations: or GCC is better than Supposed, Part 2

compares the performance of the code GCC generates on a Fortran benchmark set against other compilers I have to hand on x86_64 and POWER. In the bottom line GCC is basically on par with Intel ifort, and somewhat behind IBM XL. There’s analysis of some of the cases.

Disclaimer: It’s a long time since I was a GCC maintainer, so I don’t have a particular axe to grind except for free software, engineering, and measurement.