Recommended Organizations

This is a list of organizations I’d encourage you to support — particularly with regard to freedom and civil libertiesI don’t necessarily agree with them on everything, of course.

— and things I’m interested in otherwise, with a UK focus. Other worthy organizations are available, including non-campaigning charities for causes dear to your heart, of course. If only the rights organizations didn’t need to be so active.


Free software, free society;

Open Rights Group

Protecting digital rights in the UK;

Privacy International

More international digital rights;

Electronic Frontier FoundationWell done Graham Linehan.

Defending digital liberties, but USA-centric, and seems to lack transparency (e.g.);


Defending UK general civil liberties;

Good Law Project

Legal challenges to government abuses of power etc. in the UK;Though I have reservations about some campaigns.


Community map (database) which is generally fine for navigation in the UK and elsewhere, and often better than proprietary alternatives;Cheltenham is a good example of address coverage, but that’s very variable.


A privacy-focused non-geek smartphone OS (de-Googled Android), but using a GNU/Linux distribution is preferable, like PureOS, UBports, or others for the PinePhone.